What is a zoom yoga class like?
I know from experience that the idea of a live Yoga class on Zoom can feel a bit scary or not something that you would normally consider doing. If this is you or someone you know then take a look at this short video which is a glimpse into my home studio and how this whole Zoom thing works.
Top Tips:
Install the Zoom app before class and test it. It's super easy and free to join. Tech issues can happen but if you have any problems when testing just let me know or arrive 5 mins early and I can try and help prior to class.
Set up.
Position yourself so I can see your body so I can give you verbal cues (I'm the only one who can see you fully!) Have your props nearby.
Why would I take a Yoga Class on Zoom?
No sweaty train or car commute to the studio, gym or yoga space. Simply step away from the desk, roll out the mat, quick change, socks off and you have arrived.
Home Sweet home
It's your home studio so position yourself where you like, wear what you want, bring your dogs, cats, set up candles, scents, blankets, create your own little place of sanctuary. No one next to you to compare to. Your own practice.
Time is on your side
Sunrise, lunchtime, Sunday classes. Suddenly more time options open up as well as having access to teachers and schools from all over the world. We can fit more of a dedicated routine in between our day to day schedules.
Trying something new
With so much more at your virtual fingertips you have access to so many different styles of yoga, maybe something you didn't feel confident to try before in a real life class but would give it a go at home.
Although you are not in the same space physically you are still holding a space with a group of like minded people. People who are all going through the same ups and downs as you and have chosen to practice as a group, to connect and see a friendly face. We are in this together!
Yoga itself!
As much as we would like to be practicing in a beautiful studio or shala in Bali virtual yoga is still yoga and we are still taking that time out to nourish our bodies, strengthen our immune system, settle the mind and bring about calm in our overall being. With all the uncertainty and subsequent stress and anxiety that comes with it, self care has never been more needed!
how do i download zoom?
Zoom is free to use and will download automatically when you open your first link to a meeting / class. If you want to install it early to get familiar with it, you can click the link below to download zoom or you can copy the text into your browser URL and click to download Zoom Client for Meetings.
Once it is installed, you just need to sign up for your free account and you are good to go!
Make sure to arrive promptly for your class as although I understand that technical issues happen and will try to wait, it is unfair to the other students to delay too long. If you are having troubles or you aren't confident first time, get in touch with me and I can let you in to the class early to help you get set up.
If disaster strikes and you can't attend due to internet problems or last minute mishaps then don't worry. Let me know by whatsapp and I will record the class for you to download and follow in your own time.